Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My D.I.Y nursing/teething necklace

Well, as many of my friends and family know... When it comes to Dawson and all things baby I've become quite the homeopathic hippy!  My how children change us!  Now that Dawson is becoming more aware of his surroundings he seems to struggle focusing on the task at hand..... Nursing to be exact!  So with a little investigation on the ever so famous google... I found many mommies using nursing necklaces for baby to play with.  I looked on etsy and man... $15-$20a pop... No thanks! So off to Pinterest I ventured!  I found several tutorials and decided to give it a go!  I also found many moms making them for teething purposes., and since we are also in that stage I decided to make mine teething friendly as well! Dawson rides around in his ergo a lot so it's great to occupy him! 
I got the jersey knit fabric from my mother-in-law who did the sewing portion since I (a) don't own a sewing machine and (b) have never ever sewn!  Although,  I have a good mind to learn and sell these bad boys on etsy! 

So first I cut a 5" wide by 58" strip of fabric. We then folded it in half and sewed it shut along one edge forming a long tube. Then I turned it right side out and tied a knot where I wanted to start the heading.  I slid round unfinished wooden beads in and tied a knot after each bead.  Once I got enough I cut both sides into 3 strips and braided! Easy peasy!!! Dawson already has loved tugging and chewing on it and we've finally had some successful nursing! I hope I can make the next one a little prettier... But I'm pleased with this for my first attempt! 

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