How old? 6 Months
Total Weight: 18 lb. 30z
Total Weight: 18 lb. 30z
Length: 28”
Eating: Nursing or Bottle every 3.5-4 hours.
Sleep: Napping 3 times a day (2 hours, 1.5 hours, and 45 minutes)
Eating: Nursing or Bottle every 3.5-4 hours.
Sleep: Napping 3 times a day (2 hours, 1.5 hours, and 45 minutes)
Night sleep is getting better!
Fun Facts: Dawson has found his high pitch squealing voice and loves using it!
New Developments: Pretty much sitting up unassisted with a few falls here and there.
Fun Facts: Dawson has found his high pitch squealing voice and loves using it!
New Developments: Pretty much sitting up unassisted with a few falls here and there.
I cannot believe you are halfway to being a year old! You are growing up entirely too fast and it makes me sad! You have become quite the little ham and don't mind flashing that sweet smile at any person who asks for it. You are so playful and constantly bouncing and squealing during your wake time. Lately you have started to be quite clingy to Mommy. You have decided that if I turn my back to walk away that maybe if you scream loud enough and start crying that Mommy will scoop you up and carry you everywhere. Some days I give in and others you just have to learn. I thank God for giving me such a fun, loving and playful little boy. I am sure you will keep me on my toes once you go mobile! You have started noticing when Daddy gets home from work and no matter how tired you are you perk right up and start squealing and smiling when you see him get truly melts my heart! Your favorite things this months are still...Mickey Mouse...apparently Mommy :) ...Daddy coming home...drinking out of a big boy cup thanks to Papa Jay...jumping in your jumparoo and sitting up! We love you more each day and cannot wait to watch you grow!
Mommy and Daddy
Well hey there cutie!
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