Thursday, December 19, 2013

Soapbox Thursday!

You guessed it!  The famous Duck Dynasty controversy!  I just had to chime in after watching the "Today Show" and their opinion on this!  So, if you haven't heard, Phil Robertson has been suspended from the show Duck Dynasty (his show) indefinitely!  During an interview with GQ magazine Phil commented on homosexuality and how it was a sin.  Now, maybe the way he phrased it was a bit crude, but that is a Christian redneck and his firm belief!  Basically, he stated that homosexuality is a perverse sin.  Here is the link to the article and the words used by Phil and  A& E's response.  Now I am not going to get into the homosexuality debate, but I have to say, the way his freedom of speech is being attacked is down right sad! 

I just love how the whole backing of his suspension is his lack of "tolerance".  Ironically, the definition of tolerance is : the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. Now, I don't think Phil isn't tolerant of homosexuality.  He stands firm in HIS belief that it is a sin, but he also stated that he has no disrespect and would never treat a homosexual person with disrespect.  Now, lets look at who isn't being tolerant!  A&E is in no way being tolerant!  That is Phil Robertson's right and opinion that they do not agree with, and by taking him off the network for his personal opinion they are not being tolerant of his Christian beliefs.  You see, this is how it always works for Christians, they simply state their view on a controversial topic and WOW all of the sudden people are shocked at the "lack of tolerance" and the person is verbally persecuted for standing firm on their belief.  BUT...if someone ridicules a Christian for believing that something is a sin...or a homosexual person criticizes a Christian calling them is ok!  I'd definitely say something is wrong with this picture!  It seems that everything BUT Christianity is tolerated in today's society.  We are going to take a good man off of TV because he stands for what he believes in, but we can let Miley Cyrus walk around basically nude for our children to look up to, A&E can put Bonnie and Clyde on a platform to watch and make it look "cool" to rob and kill, we can pretty much make fun of Christians on any TV show and it is totally acceptable and "tolerant".  (Rolling my eyes)

This isn't just modern day started in the Bible...Christian's have always been and will continue to be persecuted for their beliefs.  Am I talking of physical harm? NO, but religious freedom of speech is being stripped away! The Bible has many verses speaking of this problem.

2 Timothy 3:12 - Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution

John 15:18 - If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before [it hated] you.

1 Peter 3:16 - Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.

1 Peter 3:17 - For [it is] better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

Luke 6:22 - Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

1 Peter 3:14 - But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy [are ye]: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;

The list could go on and on, but I will stop there because that is enough to see what Christ was talking about!  It is such a shame that the world is so shocked that a Christian would stand for their belief.  But should we really have expected them to be OK with calling sin what it is?  NO, that is why people despise Christianity and persecute Christians.  Jesus said it would happen years ago, and guess what it is still happening!  In my opinion, it is just another piece of solid evidence that the Bible is true!  So to the Robertson family I commend you for standing on truth!  The media may use it as a platform for LGBT support, they may use it to talk about how Christians are not tolerant, but they just caused the Christian community to be even more supportive of the family! 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

HO, HO, HO....I'm 6 Months Old!

How old? 6 Months
Total Weight:  18 lb. 30z
Length: 28”
Eating: Nursing or Bottle every 3.5-4 hours.  
Sleep: Napping 3 times a day (2 hours, 1.5 hours, and 45 minutes) 
Night sleep is getting better!
Fun Facts:  Dawson has found his high pitch squealing voice and loves using it!
New Developments:  Pretty much sitting up unassisted with a few falls here and there.
I cannot believe you are halfway to being a year old!  You are growing up entirely too fast and it makes me sad!  You have become quite the little ham and don't mind flashing that sweet smile at any person who asks for it.  You are so playful and constantly bouncing and squealing during your wake time.  Lately you have started to be quite clingy to Mommy.  You have decided that if I turn my back to walk away that maybe if you scream loud enough and start crying that Mommy will scoop you up and carry you everywhere.  Some days I give in and others you just have to learn.  I thank God for giving me such a fun, loving and playful little boy.  I am sure you will keep me on  my toes once you go mobile!  You have started noticing when Daddy gets home from work and no matter how tired you are you perk right up and start squealing and smiling when you see him get truly melts my heart!  Your favorite things this months are still...Mickey Mouse...apparently Mommy :) ...Daddy coming home...drinking out of a big boy cup thanks to Papa Jay...jumping in your jumparoo and sitting up! We love you more each day and cannot wait to watch you grow!
Mommy and Daddy
Well hey there cutie!

What We Have Going On.... All things GI!

As many of you know Dawson recently visited a GI specialist from the children's hospital in Charlotte.  I never posted anything really about the visit or I figured today would be a great day to catch up on some blogging before I reveal cutie patooties 6 month blog photos! 

Thank the Lord Dawson does not have any serious GI problems and compared to many parents around the world his issues are so small in comparison to several babies!  But none the less...anytime your child is struggling it is hard on you as a parent no matter how big or small the issue! 

It all started when Dawson was 3 weeks old...He started having "colic" screaming fits at and after every feeding!  My mommy gut told me it was all food related so I called the doctor 100 times it seems.  His initial diagnosis was GERD...or gastro esophageal reflux disorder.  He was prescribed axid to take twice a day.  It helped during feedings but he was still in much GI distress 1-2 hours after feedings.  He would wake mid nap screaming and not stop for hours.  It was pitiful.  After calling the doc we decided he had a "milk" allergy...not my milk but cows milk.  I did a strict dairy free diet and it worked wonders.  Dawson started being my sweet happy baby and less screaming.  Although his symptoms were tremendously better...he never ever seemed to just have a "settled" stomach.  Up until his GI appointment we have dealt with multiple night wakings from terrible gas and just writhing in the crib with tummy cramping.  At first I thought maybe I needed to be more careful in my food selections... (sugar, veggies, fruit etc) but no matter how bland I was eating, or so I thought, he still had gas...not just baby gas that comes out....I'm talking that had to hurt....gas!  We were living on 1-2 hour sleep increments at a time and even a few nights of 30 minute stretches a time.  Not only did this become a terrible problem, but Dawson started refusing to eat more than 2 oz. at a time....and nursing was just not happening!  He would arch his back and just fuss after about 2 oz. every bottle....and if I dare tried nursing he would lunge backward and fuss!  So for several weeks this stressed me out and finally I called and said that his reflux meds weren't working or something else is wrong.  The pediatrician ruled out ear infection and then decided for us to see a specialist. 

At the appointment we talked over everything we were experiencing and the GI discussed all of the "diagnosis" that his peds had made from reflux to colic to just plain fussy.  After telling the doctor all of Dawson's symptoms he decided that the reflux had definitely flared up and we were in need of a PPI ( proton pump inhibitor) to reduce the acid in his stomach.  He was put on Prevacid for the next couple of months to see how things go.  So far I think it is working! 

The other problem Dawson was having was waking from severe gas and sometimes not eating due to irregular bowel movements.  I told the GI that we had been milk/dairy free for months and I didn't know what else to do.  He said that most babies who have a milk protein intolerance also have a soy protein intolerance and that most likely his diagnosis should be MSPI or milk soy protein intolerance.

What is MSPI?Milk soy protein intolerance (MSPI) is a temporary inability to digest the proteins found in cow’s milk and soy products.  MSPI is different from a traditional food allergy.  You may also see it referred to as food protein-induced colitis or cow’s milk protein intolerance (CMPI).  It may be related to other diagnoses, including eosinophilic gastroenteritis/ esophagitis, or allergic colitis.

Due to this new diagnosis, I have once again changed my diet to eliminate soy products also.  The doctor is very hopeful that he will be able to digest these proteins within the next 3 months or so.  He said that due to Dawsons weight and size he will clearly outgrow this by 12 months and be drinking cows milk! HALLELUJAH!  I know how hard it is to feed myself and I truly sympathize for the families who have children who never outgrow the allergy.  I had never heard of this before in my life!  I can definitely say that having to go through the trial and error and elimination diets has been a truly stressful time.  I am glad that we FINALLY have some answers! 

Since the appointment Dawson has been taking Prevacid each morning and we are also giving him Gerber Soothe colic drops in his evening bottle.  The GI doc suggested this to help in aiding digestions since many babies with GI problems are missing certain digestive enzymes and bacterias.  I truly feel like the soy elimination along with the new medications are making a world of difference. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My D.I.Y nursing/teething necklace

Well, as many of my friends and family know... When it comes to Dawson and all things baby I've become quite the homeopathic hippy!  My how children change us!  Now that Dawson is becoming more aware of his surroundings he seems to struggle focusing on the task at hand..... Nursing to be exact!  So with a little investigation on the ever so famous google... I found many mommies using nursing necklaces for baby to play with.  I looked on etsy and man... $15-$20a pop... No thanks! So off to Pinterest I ventured!  I found several tutorials and decided to give it a go!  I also found many moms making them for teething purposes., and since we are also in that stage I decided to make mine teething friendly as well! Dawson rides around in his ergo a lot so it's great to occupy him! 
I got the jersey knit fabric from my mother-in-law who did the sewing portion since I (a) don't own a sewing machine and (b) have never ever sewn!  Although,  I have a good mind to learn and sell these bad boys on etsy! 

So first I cut a 5" wide by 58" strip of fabric. We then folded it in half and sewed it shut along one edge forming a long tube. Then I turned it right side out and tied a knot where I wanted to start the heading.  I slid round unfinished wooden beads in and tied a knot after each bead.  Once I got enough I cut both sides into 3 strips and braided! Easy peasy!!! Dawson already has loved tugging and chewing on it and we've finally had some successful nursing! I hope I can make the next one a little prettier... But I'm pleased with this for my first attempt!