Every year the Little side of the family gets together and ventures out on "Family Vacation". We usually choose a lake in NC to meet at and stay all together in one big house. If you know me and my nature at all...I over think EVERYTHING!!!! Upon Dawson's pending arrival I was so nervous about taking my little tiny newborn on family vacation. What kind of baby would he be...fussy,content...etc. Then how will he be sleeping by then?!? As a first time mom I was just so uneasy about being out of my comfort zone...which is home for me at this point. We all agreed as a family that we would wait until mid to late August to give Dawson some time to adjust to the world and settle into a routine. Now when you think family vacation most people think Mom, Dad ,baby etc....Nope this is not at all how we do vacation. They are adventurous and not for anyone who does not love family/children! We have Nana, Papa, 3 brothers and their wives and....get ready...a 3 month old, 10 month old, twin 1 yr olds, twin 2 year olds, a 4 year old, 8 year old and 10 year old!!! YES , all of us stay together! Dawson did so well to be shared by so many people. The first night he was a bit fussy and refused to nurse...I think he was a little overstimulation from his cousins wanting to love on him as soon as we got there. The rest of the trip he did so well...of course his naps were a little off, but honestly his night time sleep was the best it had ever been! Oh the irony....as soon as we got home that flew out the window...we are still working on that and getting into a good rhythm...but we got slammed with a cold and wicked 3 month growthspurt when we returned.
Being so young, Dawson and I didn't do too many activities. We mostly sat under the shelter at the dock and watched everyone swim and splash. BUT my little guy did get to ride Papa's boat a few times! I was (new mom remember) super nervous about him doing this....what if he gets too upset...what if he poops...what if he gets hungry...what if the boat breaks down (my normal worrisome self) but we ventured on and I knew he would be fine. The first time on the boat he cried some....not because of the ride, but because of the life jacket. Once we got moving he would relax and sleep the rest of the time! Of course, as Dawson does in the car, he would wake anytime we stopped. I think next year he will love it! We also tried out swimming, but he was not having any of that...understandable ...the lake was chilly, plus sun in eyes, plus life jacket...makes no fun for a 12 week old baby! Next year I hope he loves it and plays and splashes away!
First Boat Ride (please excuse our appearance)
All in all I would say Dawson did well and was a trooper on his first "Little" family vacation. I am so thankful I have such a sweet little man that we can make many memories with for years to come!
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