I cannot believe that my baby boy is 3 months already! Where is this time going to? Dawson you are such a big boy already! I cannot stand how fast you are trying to grow up. He has started changing so much this month already. We are guessing he is somewhere around 13 1/2 lb to 14 lb this month and still a little over 24'' long ! What a big boy we have on our hands! He has still been eating around 4.5 oz every 3 hours , but the past few days has been literally screaming for more! So needless to say he nurses with fury and if I make a bottle he will take 5-5.5oz easily! As far as his schedule goes, he has got it down! Eat, play, sleep he knows his cues and lets us know when he is done with each cycle with a little grunting! As for playtime my boy is so much fun these days! He loves to stand up and sit up. I think if we would let him he would try to stand on his own. He has been fussing lately until someone will assist him standing. No more newborn holding for him ... He wants to see the world around him! He loves to watch Mickey Mouse clubhouse while I do chores or get ready in the mornings ( seriously the only show he will sit through). Once he's had enough tv he plays on his floor gym, then we usually try out the bumbo or standing before he's ready to nap. He is super vocal these days cooing and giggling ! It makes my heart melt to hear him talk to me :)
As far as sleeping ... Well Dawson has been so unpredictable since birth! I guess you could say the one consistency is inconsistency hahaa! His naps have gotten much better for the last few weeks and I can usually count on a 2 hour morning nap and 3 more naps that range from 45 minutes to 1.5hours . Night time is still a guessing game! He has slept through the nights a few times but still has a few nights he will wake up starving here and there.... If its not hunger he wants his paci or has a super wet diaper soaking through.... We've been letting him cry it out some and he will put himself to sleep after 5-10 minutes and I will go pat his bottom to settle him and he drifts to sleep quickly most nights.... It is the soothing during the night that is not as easy for him .... Some nights the cry/paci work but others nothing at all works . Those nights it is usually true hunger, a wet diaper or tummy ache! Hopefully soon he will find a rhythm!
Our sweet baby has a contagious smile and I would not trade him for the world! To have had the reflux, dairy allergy,and tummy troubles he has had he is a great baby! He is usually super happy during his wake time and just loves to interact with the world. Dawson another month has come and we love you more each day!!!
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