Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Real Housewives Of....

Don't you know we housewives look like ^^^^^^ this... on a daily basis?!?!?!  I kid...I kid!  So, I have really been thinking and praying about my new role lately and how our society has really twisted the view of a true housewife.  Television is now portraying a "real housewife" as this woman who has a billionaire husband or business taking care of her every demands while she prances around town in her Range Rover buying anything and everything....oh and lets not forget to add in the drama of her "girlfriends" who share a swanky dinner with her each evening.  (Guilty...I have watched a few is like a train wreck you just can't look away)  These women are rarely shown doing anything other than eating, shopping, or traveling the world, yet they are called HOUSE wives.  I mean, really...don't you have to stay at home some and tend to your home to be considered a housewife??  Not only are they never home....they have full-time nannies watching after their children...sometimes they even have "night nannies" that tend to night wakings!  WOW....just WOW!  I think that shows like this and the "talk" around town really has distorted what it really means to be a housewife....or stay at home mom. 
Before I go on...if you are a working mom...I do not think lowly of that! Kudos to you for balancing both worlds!  I just thought I would share my feelings on this subject of the stay-at-home mom.  So recently a friend of mine and I have been discussing this topic quite frequently.  First off, let me say it is so awesome to have a friend who stays at home to talk through these things with because we can totally relate to one another.  The past few months I began really struggling with just wanting some ME time outside of my house with no baby in tow.  I would sit and think how some working moms at least get a lunch or coffee break with adults, or how our husbands can go to the gym or workout without worrying who will nurse the baby, or fix dinner and I started to think....well...where is MY "me time".  Honestly, I know these feelings happen a lot for many housewives, but the truth is...there isn't much ME time.  Yes, my baby naps and I may get my shower or drink a cup of coffee, but for the most part nap time comes down to cleaning or getting ready to run errands and packing a diaper bag and getting myself dressed.  The more I thought through this I thought about comments and questions people tend to have about the stay at home mom..  "What do you do all day...Don't you get bored....I would go crazy....I need to be around adults...etc."  Well, the fact is I think all too often the reality of what "we" do is so distorted.  Some think we play peek-a-boo and change diapers all day (we do a  some think we sit and watch tv in our jammies (I wish) and some just think we hang out with other moms around town on playdates.  Reality is...being a stay at home mom is HARDER than I ever imagined.  I was one of those working girls who thought I couldn't ever do that...until I say those little eyes, fingers, and toes....that little sweet face that would call me mommy.  Wow...something changed immediately and reality hit.  I did not want to leave my baby to someone else to raise all day.  In fact, this job is probably taught me how selfish I can truly be.  I have had to learn that my needs come last!  My baby needs to be fed, changed, clothed, bathed, rocked, soothed etc....then my laundry needs to be washed and folded, the house needs cleaning, dinner needs to be cooked, groceries bought, bills paid, errands run and so on.  I can tell you that some days I do get overwhelmed, but then I remember this is MY calling right now....I am so lucky to get to stay home and take care of my family.  It won't be long before this little boy is grown and I will have all the ME time in the world. 
For job is to be the Proverbs 31 wife and mom.  Brent and I are in a study at church and the lesson this past week was exactly what I needed to re-affirm my decision to be a stay at home mom.  The lesson focused on the wife's role in the marriage.  We studied Proverbs 31 and learned about being a helpmate.  WOW...even though all of the things that wear me down and get me wanting "ME" time are hard....they are EXACTLY what I am supposed to be doing as a wife and mother.  I realize that this job I have right now is awesome.  I am beyond blessed to get to watch my baby grow everyday.  I am beyond blessed to kiss his boo boos when he falls.  I am beyond blessed to see him take his first steps.  I am beyond blessed to put him down for every nap.  He is my responsibility to raise and I am so lucky to be able to do so in today's society.  Our world has made it nearly impossible for women to stay home and raise their children.  I hate how the world has made this area such a low priority for families and almost look down upon women who make this decision almost as if we just don't want to work.  So...for any of you moms who get to stay home and have those "down days"  know that you are doing an awesome job.  Know that you are blessed and that many women aren't so fortunate.  Know that no matter what society says, God says it is a high calling to be a wife and mother.  I am thankful for a supportive husband who works very hard to make it possible for me to stay home.  God has really blessed our decision and I am learning that this selfless job they call "housewife" is hard, but so wonderful!!

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