As a first time mom, I had NO CLUE that these issues even really existed. I was in NO WAY prepared for the trial and error process that went along with reflux and MSPI. After being on the MSPI diet for 7 months I can say it was beyond draining on me physically and emotionally. Not only was the diet frustrating, but knowing my milk fat wasn't enough to hold my baby was so sad for me! Reflux meds weren't too terrible for our situation. We really only had to try two different medications to get under control and for that I am super grateful! Dawson is finally being weaned off of his medicine and seems to be taking to dairy and soy fine so far. I could not be happier that this phase of his life is over. I am sad that many months of his infancy was spent in frustration of "what if I ate dairy"..."is he refluxing?"...."why won't he eat?"...."why does his tummy ALWAYS hurt?"... Hopefully this post will help someone somewhere! I wish that I had been educated on MSPI and Reflux before Dawson was born so that I would have known what was going on before questioning myself as a mom and questioning my baby!
“During the third week Millie began to show a lot of frustration. She’d lose the latch, squirm, cry, get frustrated…you name it, she did it. It seemed like she just wanted nothing to do with feeding. I decided it was time to pump. She took to bottles very easily but as a result she became SOOOOO GASSY. And, by gassy I mean like so much air in her belly that she would scream. She screamed so hard that it would send shivers down your spine. I kept pumping and bottle feeding and the cycle would repeat. My day basically was: Feed, burp, baby scream for an hour, feed, burp, baby scream for an hour…
Throw in some barf and there you have it, my life. You get it, right? Baby screams after feeds, etc.? Possible milk allergy. Avoid dairy.
Possible reflux. Get meds …(.Turns out a tongue tie can cause all of these issues as it did in Millie)
I am
I hope in reading this, whether you’re advocating for yourself, a friend, a family member, or your child, that you push and push and push until you feel like you can’t push anymore. Then, take a deep breath and push MORE!” -M. Sleeper
“So after what seemed like 2 weeks of non-stop
screaming I finally took my little man to the doctor.
"Well Joanna, from what you are describing it sounds like he has acid reflux!" I thought, well what the heck is acid reflux?
Made me think of the Flux Capacitor from the movie Back To The Future. The doctor prescribed some Zantac and sent me on my way!
No instructions, no information, and said "Good Luck". Luck ? What the heck do I need luck for?
Well little did I know my world was about to turn upside down!
I researched and did my own FBI type investigating to find out how to "fix" him.
What seemed like months of trialing new medication, a new pediatrician, and even seeing a GI specialist, (who is NOT helpful at all) we are finally settling in to our "new normal".
He may not be perfect, but he is perfect to me!”
"Well Joanna, from what you are describing it sounds like he has acid reflux!" I thought, well what the heck is acid reflux?
Made me think of the Flux Capacitor from the movie Back To The Future. The doctor prescribed some Zantac and sent me on my way!
No instructions, no information, and said "Good Luck". Luck ? What the heck do I need luck for?
Well little did I know my world was about to turn upside down!
I researched and did my own FBI type investigating to find out how to "fix" him.
What seemed like months of trialing new medication, a new pediatrician, and even seeing a GI specialist, (who is NOT helpful at all) we are finally settling in to our "new normal".
He may not be perfect, but he is perfect to me!”
-J. Teft
“I have plenty of experience with MSPI children. My
first three girls all had varying levels of the MSPI. My fourth little girl had
MSPI, but then started projectile vomiting. I was introduced to acid reflux.
Luckily she was controlled with Prevacid. Once she started solids we finally
understood the extent of her protein intolerances. After months of stress,
screaming, crying, and worry we finally had our daughter’s diet figured out.
She is milk, gluten, and rice intolerant. She was 16 months when we found the
right diet, it took until she was 2 for her to not need Prevacid anymore.
We were blessed with our fifth child, first boy, in
the summer of 2013. I knew he would be MSPI because of my other children. I
started practicing the MSPI diet 3 months before he was born so that he
wouldn’t be exposed to the protein during the last trimester in utero.
Unfortunately at 2 weeks of age, milk started dripping out his nose when he was
nursing, I knew I had a reflux baby. Then he had a gas fit causing him to
scream for hours, he had reacted to some protein in my milk. The doctor put him
on Prevacid immediately, and I started the total elimination diet. The total
elimination diet consisted of turkey, potatoes, and pears, nothing else. This
lasted for 3 weeks, baby continued to grunt and push at gas for hours every day
and still had mucous in his poops. Meanwhile I was falling apart, I had no idea
if I was hungry or if my stomach hurt from the limited diet. I lost 30 lbs in 3
weeks. Finally, baby stopped sleeping, no naps, no crying just staring. He was
5 weeks old! The doctor gave me a sample of the formula neocate, a special
elemental formula that has only amino acids, no proteins for a baby to react. I
nursed my baby and 15 minutes later decided to try the formula, he guzzled 2
ounces and immediately fell asleep. I cried! When I pumped my milk was so thin
it didn’t even stick to the sides of the bottle. My baby was starving because
my milk was too thin. It was best for him, and me, to move him to neocate. I
nursed 4 babies for over a year, to move my last son to formula was
devastating. Still makes me teary that I can’t nurse my baby boy. I just hope
he knows that I love him so much, that I stopped nursing for him.
Unfortunately his reflux had just started to rear its
ugly head. He began going stiff in my arms, and then he would stop breathing,
when I jerked him up he would choke, sputter and scream. The doctor was
alarmed; his meds were changed to Prilosec. He would have these episodes
multiple times a week, most often on the Prilosec itself. He would choke on his
bottle and his own spit up at almost every feeding. The meds were increased
several times. Finally, the doctor ordered an upper gi to make sure there was
nothing else going on. It came back clear. He was around 4 months when we moved
back to Prevacid.
He is now 8 months old. It has been over 3 weeks
since he was able to finish a 4 oz bottle awake. We have learned how to feed him
while he is sleeping, to get the right nutrients in him. He has learned to
refuse solids and his bottle to avoid the reflux burn. His food refusal is
getting stronger and coming to a head. Now our plan is a strong med to coat his
throat and protect it while it heals from the acid burning it. Hopefully this
will eliminate the pain associated with eating and he will be willing to eat
again. The doctors think that my baby’s throat is so burnt from the acid that
he won’t eat, my baby!, my poor baby! We are hoping it is that or it is
behavioral, he has learned that eating causes pain so he eats the minimum
amount to avoid pain, this will be much harder to fix. Others things can be
wrong but I won’t go there, for my sanity. His and our wild ride are not over,
actually it is worse than ever. Luckily I do know there is an end but the ride
is so horrific all I can think about is getting off! I pray for the end soon. “
-M. Waite
These are only a few stories of MANY! If you are pregnant or have an infant that is struggling with any of these issues...know that it may be more than "COLIC". Also, know that your baby isn't just "cranky" and that they really cannot help the way they are feeling. I know for me I would get so frustrated at first thinking I had a "fussy" baby. Once we figured out the meds and diet...he became my sweet Dawson! Hang in there MSPI /Reflux mommies!!!