Friday, November 15, 2013

Milestones for Dawson!

I cannot believe my big boy!  One day I was messing around and sat him up like this and he would bend over and we used the bumbo or saucer to keep playing!  So 2 days ago I showed Brent how close he was getting to sitting up and he did so much better that time, but not quite there.  So Wednesday I decided I would play with him and let him try and to my amazement he didn't need mommy anymore! :( WHAT??? You learned at 5 months to sit up with barely any practice....what a big boy!  He will try to turn around and look and that results in a little tumble to the floor...but other than that my little buddy is doing it all on his own!  Dawson we are so proud of you buddy!  Now wait on the crawling until we can get this eating and sleeping thing back under control or mommy  might just pass out from exhaustion! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

* 5 Months Old....and Growing Up Too Fast!!*

How old? 5 Months
Total Weight:  2 Weeks ago he was 16 lb. 9oz.
Length: 26.5”
Eating: Nursing or Bottle every 3-3.5 hours.  
Sleep: Napping 3 times a day (2 hours, 1.5 hours, and 45 minutes) Night sleep has been so rough lately….more about that in the post! 
Fun Facts:  Since last month he has started rolling both ways and loves to roll across the floor!  Too cute!
New Developments: So close to sitting up…he is quite wobbly but trying so hard to be a big boy!!
Dawson Job...I cannot believe your are getting so big so quickly!  Where is the time going??  As each month passes I love you more and more!  You are such a bright eyed, joyful, loving baby who has such a contagious smile.  I could not have hand-picked your personality better myself!!  Each day you surprise me with how sweet you are even though you have struggled with so many tummy issues.  Mommy knows how hard that can be and am amazed at how you still are so happy most of the day! I love you more that I can express buddy and am so thankful God picked me to be your Mommy!
Now....for the adult readers :)  Dawson really is an amazingly happy and sweet little boy at 5 months.  He loves chewing everything in sight and loves Mickey Mouse ( like to the point nothing in the room phases him if Mickey is on TV) he hates being without Mom or Dad when he is in a playful mood.  He is the star of the show and will let you know if you have forgotten to applaud his "tricks".  He loooooooves taking baths and has so much fun playing and splashing in the water.  He hates getting dressed....yes...he would rather stay in a diaper than have to pull an arm through a shirt!  He loves Phoebe (his dog) and watches her like a hawk!  He loves to jump and stand and move all around!  All of that should give you a good idea of the 5 month old we have here at home! 
As for eating...we have had quite the challenge this month!  My little guy had started on some cereal and LOVED it....he would eat it right off of the spoon like he had never had anything so wonderful ever! Each day I was struggling to get him to nurse well or even take a bottle.  He had had a cold so I assumed maybe his ears hurt or his nose was just stuffy.  After several days of this I called the doc and took him in.  She said it sounded like his reflux was acting up and to increase his medication.  We did so...but here we are 2 weeks later with Dawson only wanting 2oz...yes, 2oz. at a time...Mind you he was taking 5.5-6oz every 3 hours or so.  I began to get so sad watching my baby cry at the sight of a bottle and pushing me away.  I knew something wasn't right so I called the doc.  They have referred us to a GI specialist to get things sorted out.  I have been observing him very carefully the past few days and took away ALL solids and watched my diet once more.  I truly believe he is super sensitive to anything other than breastmilk, free of dairy , of course!  This morning he showed several reactions very similar to his Milk allergy, but he has not had any milk protein for months! So something is truly messing with my little buddies tummy! So for now we've decided to be very careful with my diet and his diet until further testing can be done!  Please pray that there is nothing serious going on and that he is just sensitive to certain foods at this point. 
As for sleeping....well it is a result of his you say?  Well a child with tummy distress obviously cannot sleep through the night without some type of cramps or gas pains.  So we never truly know what to expect each night.  I am so grateful to know that it is not a sleep problem but a tummy problem.  Dawson loves to sleep and actually becomes very angry when gas wakes him.  He is put down in his crib and puts himself to sleep everyday and night.  He actually hates when mommy tries to rock him and soothe him through his we have to leave him in the crib and rub his back until he calms down.  Some nights we have 2-3 wakings....and we feel pretty rested, but we have had nights where the poor little guy goes a 3 hour stretch of waking every 20 minutes or so.  We are very sad for him and very exhausted from lack of sleep and trying to figure out how to help him.  I tell myself that this time of his life is short in comparison to the many years to come and that it will get better!  It has truly tested our patience and we have truly missed having family in town.  There are so many nights I just wish we had a grandma to come let us get some sleep through the night ( because...lets face it...naps just aren't the same!). 
So for this month I pray that we can figure out how exactly to approach properly feeding our little man.  We want him to be able to take solids without pain....but are also ready to hear that he may just have to mature a little longer than some before we can approach other foods again!  My biggest prayer is that there are no internal issues and no severe allergies.  But like I said....He is an AMAZING baby none the less.  We are so blessed and thankful for our sweet 5 month old baby boy!