Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Favorite Baby Items!

Ok soooo...now that Dawson is taking a nap I figured I would do a random post apart from a "Dawson update".  So after being on facebook many of my friends have found out they are expecting! Yay for all new moms to be!  During pregnancy it seems like you research and look to find the hottest and most perfect items for you and baby!  I really didn't do too much research before we registered and kind of went with what "looked" nice in the stores.  After being a mom for almost 5 months (WOW...really that long already) I have decided to give my 2 cents on my favorite baby products to date!

When Dawson was a newborn we had so many struggles getting him to sleep.  He had acid reflux so laying flat was not really working for him.  He would gag, spit up, hiccup and cough.  At first we used a fisher price rock-n-play for him to sleep in, but once he got a little bigger he would push up with his feet so that wasn't working.  My brother and sister-in-law had bought us a snug-a-bunny bouncer, which Dawson would nap wonderfully in during the day.  We decided to try the bouncer for night-time sleep.  OH MY WORD...this thing was a life saver for the first 8 weeks of Dawson's life!  It is cozy, warm, and hugs him just right!  Great for day time and if need be, night time! 
Once we transitioned Dawson to the crib...He HATED being on his back.  We tried swaddling...we tried putting blankets rolled up on the sides of him...we tried laying him on his side...nothing would work...HE HATED IT!  So one day during tummy time he conked out...I mean out for 2 hours solid!  Never had Dawson slept so hard.  Brent and I discussed trying his belly for naps...and to our surprise he slept amazingly each time!  SIGH...I was sooo not wanting to allow him to tummy sleep, but you do what you gotta do for you and your child to get some rest.  Well I really wanted to know that he would be ok breathing etc.  So naturally as all mothers do...I researched for a product to help ease my mind.  We ended up getting an angelcare monitor off of amazon, and I absolutely LOVE it!
Another battle we faced was with nursing.  In all honesty I absolutely LOVE nursing.  I know it is not for everyone, but if it is the route you choose to go then in all honesty...there will be difficulties in the beginning.  Dawson was great at the hospital, but as soon as we got home he really struggled with latching etc.  I got so uncomfortable and just in pain everytime we would try!  I had a friend at work give me these AMAZING lanolin gel pads.  I highly recommend them for the first couple of weeks when nursing.  They truly helped relieved discomfort after feedings!
I had already decided that Dawson would nurse as well as be bottle fed.  Little did we know our little man would struggle with terrible tummy issues.  I started off bottle feeding with Medela bottles, but he seemed to be getting tons of air as well as gas and spitting up.  (As you know a lot of his issues were due to Milk Protein Allergy) but also I truly believe switching bottles helped with the burping and gas!  We absolutely LOVE Dr. Brown bottles.  Yes they are somewhat annoying to wash, but they truly seem to work for the gassy baby!
Living far away from family has been tough!  I will admit I truly miss having them around for needed help.  One weekend I decided I really wanted to go to Raleigh but did NOT want to drive with just me and Dawson.  He is NOT a good carseat rider unless he can see Mom or Dad.  I just knew that it would take forever and a screaming baby the whole way was not my idea of fun!  I decided that I would take the train from CLT to RAL.  I knew that I would have a carseat, diaper bag, luggage ...etc. and that I would need my hands free.  We had originally purchased a moby wrap which was wonderful for those screaming newborn days, but just would not work for the train.  I could just see me taking the 100 ft. of fabric and saying..."Excuse me, could you hold my baby while I wrap myself up in this"  So I decided I needed a baby carrier that would be fast, easy and last a LONG time.  I had heard all of the "rave" about ergo carriers so I started looking around.  Target ended up having them on sale and get a free gift card with purchase!  That is the route I chose. But I know TJ Maxx has them sometimes and also zulily. 
Last, but most certainly not least....the NOSEFRIDA!!!!  AHHH yes my newest most favorite product!  Dawson has come down with an awful cold this past week.  His poor nose has been so stuffy and well, those hospital bulbs just weren't cutting it!  The girls in my Bible study class (all moms) had recommended the nosefrida.  I had heard of it online, but didn't know if it really did the trick.  Well, poor Dawson was waking from sleep because he just couldn't breathe...his nostrils would literally be stuck to the inside of his nose from so much mucus.  We use saline drops and a bulb, humidifier etc...but still he was super stuffy!  SO I told Brent we must go purchase this magical nosefrida and give it a whirl...OH MY! It seems soooo gross, but won't moms do anything for their children?!?  The nosefrida is a Swedish contraption that has a long "straw" connected to a funnel shape syringe.   Essentially how it works is you place the syringe part in baby's nostril and suck the straw!  Yes, I know, but it has a loooong tube and filter and from my experience mucus really doesn't even ever reach the filter.  This thing sucks allll and I mean allll of the mucus stuck in the sinuses.  My child can breathe for hours after using it!  So to all moms to be...seriously if you aren't grossed out...go invest in a nosefrida!
Well like I said these are all of MY favorite baby products to date.  Take them or leave them but I thought I would share!  Hopefully somebody will get some use out of this post or I will knowing I just love these products !  Good luck to all of the future mommies!  Welcome to the best job in the world!  Being a mommy!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

* Four Months Old*

How old? 4 Months
Total Weight:  Find out Friday…I’m guessing around 16 lbs.
Length: Around 25”
Eating: Nursing or Bottle every 3-3.5 hours.    
Sleep: Bless him….He has become such a good napper, but his nighttime sleep is still quite unpredictable.
Fun Facts: Dawson rolled over for the first time last night (10-9-13), Also he has really become quite strong.  He loves to stand in his exersaucer and play.  He now chews on EVERYTHING! 
New Developments:  DROOL, DROOL, DROOL!!!
Our sweet boy has such a personality these days!  He loves to talk ...guess he got that one honest...loves to stand and play and just be super active!  Last night he had been asleep for a couple of hours then, all of the sudden, we hear him just talking away.  Brent goes to look on the monitor and low and behold our boy had finally done it....he had rolled over from his tummy to his back and apparently had been quite excited!  After a proud high five from mom and a good night kiss we got him to go back to sleep.  I thought sure he may be trying this all night.  We knew it was coming soon because everytime I put him down for a nap or bedtime he would try with all of his might to roll over.

Poor boy has had such a rough time with his tummy this past month...I think I had consumed some  milk ingredients by mistake at a luncheon.  We ended up with several sleepless nights and terrible diapers.  For those who don't know MPI or MPA ( Milk Protein Intolerance or Allergy) causes baby to have gas, intestinal cramping, and sometimes bloody stool.  Well this past time we had ALL 3 symptoms.  I took Dawson to the doc just to rule out anything else.  He did some testing for bacterial issues and suggested that if they were negative that we continue to cut out ALL milk protein forms.  Thank goodness his tests were negative and after about a week or so his tummy seemed to calm down.  Brent and I have been really stressed about the allergy because it seems that any slight amount of milk affects him easily.  We went through debating to switch to hypoallergenic formula and have discussed what will be best for me and Dawson.  I called the doctor about this and they suggested that breastmilk is still better than formula for a baby that has allergies.  My other question was...well can I get him used to formula just as a back up.  The nurse said we could try weaning him onto some formula by slowly introducing it to him.  For those unfamiliar with the cost of formula these days...hypoallergenic is EXPENSIVE!  I had heard that the insurance will frequently cover the cost of this type of formula.  Well after forever on the phone with the insurance they have now decided that they will NOT cover it anymore! SOOO we decided that we should just test it out before committing.  I am currently on a totally dairy free diet....basically Vegan with the exception of meat.  It is not really my thing considering I LOVE cheese, yogurt, ice cream and basically processed foods (shame shame) . At this point we are planning on sticking to my diet and supplementing some formula here and there just to see if it helps soothe him.  The type of formula we are trying has a probiotic for digestive health added in.  Dawson has been drinking 1 oz of formula mixed in with his bottles for the past three days and seems to be taking it well.  He also seems to be sleeping better since we added to formula to his bottles this week. 
The decision to try formula has been quite emotional for me.  I in no way am ready to give up on breast feeding, but also want what is best for my little man.  Hopefully he will grow out of this before the end of the year!  So please pray that he grows out of the allergy quickly!
Now....as far as things Dawson loves at 4 months....where to begin.  He loves his floor gym...finally grabbing the toys...he loves his exersaucer, his swing (although he is getting to big) ,bathtime and he loves PHOEBE....yes, the child loves his dog.  He follows her with his eyes everywhere she goes..he loves when she brings him her bone...he loves when she (gross) licks him...and he just thinks she is so funny!  Our little man is so full of life and I cannot wait to continue watching him grow!  So for now to end this loooong post I leave you with some sweet pics of our little man!

Love you baby boy!!!