Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dawson's Birth Story Part 2

Getting checked in in triage
Once we got to the hospital we sat in triage for a couple of hours just hooked up to the contraction monitor and monitoring Dawson's heartbeat.  Brent and I were actually having a good time playing around and joking about different things.  The nurse came in and said my contractions were decent and pretty close together...I didn't feel a thing!  I was thinking well this is not what I had thought of when I imagined going into labor, but I knew this wasn't over yet.  Finally my o.b. came in and checked everything....much to my dismay I was only 40% effaced and 1cm dilated.  All I could think was how in the world did my water break with such a vengeance ( and still going)?  The good part about my water breaking was they couldn't send me home!  I got admitted and walked to our room because I was feeling great!  We had an awesome room and a great nursing staff.  They came in immediately and started my i.v's going.  I was hooked up to penicillin and a bag a fluids.  Then they hooked up the monitors and let us be.  They told me my doctor would be coming in shortly to check progress since it had now been about 4 hours since my water broke.  I had no clue who was on call that day so I had my fingers crossed.....As soon as Dr. Luge ( my other female doc) walked in I was so relieved.  She then proceeds to tell me that she and my midwife would be popping in and out.  I could not have asked for a better duo!  She checked my progress and says maybe 2 cm and 50%  ....WHAT?? that is it....She then told the nurses go grab the Pitocin....I have heard so many negative things about Pitocin that I was a tad nervous...but knew that if I had been induced the  next day this is how it would go.  So I relaxed knowing that these doctors do this everyday. 
Last pic as just the two of us!

After about an hour of Pitocin I started to feel my contractions.  They were about 3-5 minutes apart and were kind of strong, but still not very painful.  Shortly after our families showed up and came in to say hi.  After about 3 hours of Pitocin these contractions started to get quite strong, but I did NOT want my epidural until I was checked again.  I wanted to wait until at least 4 cm.  My midwife came in to check my progress and thought my contractions were looking good. She checked and said 2.5 to maybe 3 cm.  and still only about 60%.  Wow this was taking forever.  She then told the nurses to get some internal monitors (not my fav).  Brent noticed that the monitor was no longer picking up my contractions about 45 minutes later.  The nurse came in an paged my midwife telling her we were no longer picking up contractions.  But because I had not had any pain meds I said...I promise they are there!  Well my  midwife comes in removes the monitor and grabs another....mind you this process was a tad painful and I was totally upset this was happening again.  Not only did she want to place this monitor but she now wanted to attach a fetal heart rate monitor to Dawson's head.  UMMM WHAT?  I'm barely dilated and effaced and you want to do what?  So she proceeds to do this as she checks me.  She said wow good thing I came in your almost a 4 or 5!  What in 45 minutes???  WOOHOO...I knew things were getting a tad painful but really only in my back still.  I still didn't want the epidural because I knew that sometimes it can slow labor and obviously even with Pitocin this was taking a while.  I got a shot of some pain medicine to ease the pain I had started feeling.  MISTAKE!  The medication made me so dizzy I could not get my eyes to be still, finally I started vomiting...ugh this was not what I was wanting....but it did ease my pain somewhat.  About an hour later I was having "labor shakes" who knew there was such.  I was shaking uncontrollably and everyone kept asking are you cold.  Finally, I was hurting badly and all the people in my room kind of got me on edge.  I politely told Brent to ask everyone to leave the room because I was hurting and wanted my epidural.  Even thought I could feel my contractions, the majority of my pain was still in my lower back...I knew people have back labor and I was starting to sense this was going to be me too!  My nurses reassured me that the shakes were normal and that they may increase with the epidural...Oh Goody!  I was very excited about the epidural, but had mixed emotions of joy and fear.  Fear of pain, moving and messing things up, and fear of things not going well....but as people say, at this point...who cares!  It took a while to get an anesthesiologist due to being a shift change, but thank goodness he came up as soon as he was ready.  He came in and talked me through everything and told Brent to sit in front of me.  I truly think the worst part was that cold iodine hahaa!  It was a piece of cake!  Did not hurt one bit!  After about 30 minutes ahhhh no feeling!  This kept weirding me out throughout the day, but I knew it was worth it!  About 2 hours later I started noticing a spot in my lower back that still had feeling and at this point they had upped my Pitocin and I was definitely feeling that pain.  I tried to breathe through knowing that an epidural was all I could get.  Dr. Luge came back about 5 p.m. to check me and said I was a 7.  Getting close I thought!  Since I wasn't having the baby our family came back in for a little while and let Brent go eat :( boo since I had not eaten since our date night the night before!  She told me she would be back at nine or so to check my progress.  Well another shift change was taking place at 7 and my new nurse that would deliver showed up.  I told her I was still having some pain so she asked how severe.  I said well about a 7 now, but I figured as long as it stays in that tiny spot I would be fine.  My brother and sister-in-law came up to the hospital to see us and give us a gift for Dawson.  As soon as they came in the room I started to feel weird.  I knew it was close to time for Dr. Luge to come back but my nurse had checked and I still was only about 90% and 8 cm.  I told my brother sorry to kick you out but I am not feeling well.  Then it hit...the most excruciating lower back pain of my life....It was a 10 of 10 for sure...I was sweating, crying, saying "ouch" and trying to breathe but I kept telling Brent why isn't the epidural working.  At this point I had already used 2 bottles of epidural almost and she called the anesthesiologist to come inject something straight into my catheter which worked for all of 30 minutes.  Finally Brent was getting upset because we rang the bell and for 20 minutes could not get any nurse...apparently they deliver babies hehehe.....Finally once my nurse came in she called Dr. Luge to come check me.  She had been running behind so she did not make it back at nine.  She came about 9:30.  I knew she could see my pain so she immediately told the nurse to prepare the room.  She checked and said alright Dad lets get ready!  WOOHOO....As she checked on Dawson she said something ( who knows exactly but I think I kinda know) about his positioning and she did something and all of the sudden I had relief in my back.  I believe he was "sunny side up".  Once I felt better I had a great time as silly as that sounds.  During my breaks in pushing I was joking with Brent and Dr. Luge about getting me some food.  After about an hour and fifteen minutes Dawson Job entered our world at 11:13 pm Monday June 3, 2013.  That was the longest 18 hours of my life, but I would not change it for anything! 
We were a little busy at 11:13
So tired but so thrilled! 
Getting all cleaned up!
Getting cozy in the warmer!
Meeting Daddy! 
First Family Photo
Our Sweet Little Family

Dawson's Birth Story Part 1

Welcome to the world Dawson Job Little!
8lb. 3oz.  20 3/4 inches
Mommy and Daddy love you beyond what words can describe!
The day has come (where I have a time) to write Dawson's birth story on my blog.  At my 39 week appointment I just knew I would be progressed...I knew that any day now this baby was coming!  I had been having Braxton hicks 8-10 minutes apart for days and had felt just so blah.  I got to the doctors office telling myself not to expect anything, but in my mind I just knew that I had some type of labor progression, considering I was 4 days from my due date.  Well my midwife came in and did the normal routine...heartbeat...weight...blood pressure...and finally the big moment checking my progress.  She had asked if I had any contractions or cramping and I excitedly said yes several!  She said great that is what should be causing you to efface and dilate.  Well after she checked she had a puzzled look on her face.  I thought oh no...what?  She said wow you have no progression whatsoever, no dilating, no effacement....NOTHING!  I knew I still had a few days, but I was dreading that overdue appointment to talk about induction.  After we chatted a while she brought it up and I said well at this point whatever is best and necessary.  I had already been scheduled for the next week with my least favorite doctor.  He was the last person I wanted inducing me because he just is not good at explaining things on my level.  I love my midwife so I openly told her how I felt about that appointment.  She then said well I can take you if you fact I do prefer you to come back in 5 days and have all of the routine over due testing done.  She was to measure the baby via ultrasound, do a non-stress test, and measure my amniotic fluid to make sure little man was still thriving. After she mentioned the appointment date she said that she was on call the next day and would slide me in for induction on her hospital day!  I left my appointment nervous, yet so excited about how everything was working out! 
Brent and I relaxed for the next few days knowing that this was it....our final weekend before our lives would change forever.  We enjoyed time with friends, we went to church on my due date and then went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and krispy kreme MMMM!  After that we rented a movie and enjoyed our "due date" date night!  I went to bed that night feeling completely normal...not a labor sign in the world.  My Braxton hicks had actually slowed down and I was really feeling quite good.  We decided since Brent had to work and I had my appointment that we would head to bed about our normal time and get some rest knowing that I would probably be induced on Tuesday.  I went to bed and slept great until about 2 a.m.  I kind of  felt restless and just had some back pain which has been normal throughout my pregnancy.  I got up several times and stretched and did not feel in pain in any way.  Over the next couple of hours I felt some light cramping but brushed it off because it wasn't painful.  Finally around 4:45 a.m.  I started feeling a little tightness in my stomach that was a tad weird.  I laid in bed until about 5 a.m. and decided I would go to the restroom.  As soon as I stood up to go to the bathroom....there it was....GUSH...I mean no denying what happened, my water had definitely broken.  I was so excited, then nervous, then trying to figure out what to do....I woke Brent up flinging the door open shouting MY WATER BROKE!!! I was induction...and only 1 day overdue!  WOOHOO!!!  We gathered our thoughts and got our plan.  I called my doctor who said to get to the hospital as soon as we were totally packed for the few days we would be there. 
I told Brent I knew that when your water breaks there is a 24 hour window before a C-section is necessary.  Also I had tested positive for Group B Strep which is very common in pregnant women.  I knew that as soon as we got there I would be hooked up to penicillin.  We probably spent 30 minutes laughing, packing, getting excited, and then me getting a tad nervous!