Sunday, December 30, 2012

Gender Reveal Party and 18 Weeks

Boy? or Girl? That has been the never ending question since the day we found out we were expecting.  I have long anticipated this post and could not wait for the day to arrive! 

I was super excited that my appointment was so close to Christmas when the majority of our family would all be in town.  I thought what a perfect opportunity to have a Gender reveal party. We went to Raleigh for Christmas and came back home for our appointment in hopes to have the answer and head back to Raleigh for a reveal party.  Our appointment was on Friday morning and I had planned the party for Saturday.  I had been ok up until Thursday night...then wham....overwhelming concerns of what if she can't see the gender at our scan....what if we get bad news and don't feel like having a party.  I tried to pray my concerns away knowing that God is in control of the baby's future as well as the cooperation of our ultrasound.  Although I knew all would be well I woke up at 4 a.m. and did not go back to sleep!  I was way too pumped about my appointment!!!  Once Brent woke up to go to work I had to get my mind off of all of the nagging questions.  I got up ate breakfast ( 2 times lol) washed dishes, laundry, packed our bags for Raleigh....took an eternally long ready and still had time to drive to McDonalds and Target before 11:00!  Finally Brent was home and we headed to the docs office.  I got soooo excited I was shaking! 

Once she took us back I prayed please cooperate baby!  As soon as she waved the wand over my belly WHAM I saw it....there it was a very obvious gender!  She told me not to get carried away that we need to make sure and there are many tricky things to look at and we would come back to it after she did some measurements.  I was 100% confident I had seen correctly but then said ok...maybe not and was happy to see a healthy baby being measured.  After she did her measurements she tried to go back and wiggle around....and once again I said see I told you...It is a boy!  She said you are right no denying it we are 100% confident you cannot mistake him for a girl!  I was so thrilled that he cooperated ( for the most part)  He refused to give us a good profile view seeing that he was facing my back with his arms and legs tucked up....but we did get some good shots none the less! 
Dawson Job Little
I love those sweet feet!!!
After a wonderful appointment we learned that he measures a tad ahead ...nothing too large and weighs around 1/2 lb. at this point.  I didn't hear a length or I was too excited to notice when she told me.  We are so grateful to have seen a healthy baby with no indication of any problems!
Once we got done I came home and made cupcakes for the party and hit the road.  I was soooo nervous about spilling the beans but I did a pretty good job!  YAY for me :)  The preparation was so fun knowing what was inside when no one else did!  Once our family arrived we had them vote.  I knew what the verdict would be....girl...all along most people have said girl that we have known, but I have always had a feeling it was a boy.  Funny thing was both Brent and I had dreams the night before the ultrasound....I told him it IS a boy I cannot quit dreaming that and he said he dreamed girl...making things interesting, but mama knew best ;)  !  We had a great time with the reveal and I would not change a thing about it!  I am so glad we got to announce our baby boy in such a fun way. We already love our Dawson Job Little so incredibly much and cannot wait to watch him grow!
I am standing on the boy side...Brent is on the girl vote side!
The mothers  are digging in!!!
Oh the shock and excitement!
Excited about meeting Dawson in June!!!!
We had such an awesome time and I cannot wait to dress up baby boy like his daddy :) Oh jeans and button ups will be on Dawson quite frequently!
We love you Dawson! See you in June.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

16 Weeks

How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: .really not sure at this point….I will see when I go to the doctor next week!
Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity pants
Stretch marks? No
Sleep:  This week was tough…seem to wake up at 3:00 and lie there for an hour or two! God knows I need extra preparation for being awake at night I guess!
Best moment this week: Date night at Panera!  
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything?  Being able to sleep so deeply I have no clue what is going on
Movement: Still difficult to distinguish if it is movement or gas bubbles
Food cravings:  Still sour candy and subway/chik-fil-a!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender prediction:  50% Boy 50% Girl ;)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In- and praying it stays that way!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy..Happy…Happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out if Baby L is a boy or girl!  12 days YAY!
Not really much to say this week....pretty good week!  I got my flu shot in hopes to prevent myself from getting this wicked bug that is going around.  My class has been quite out of control these past two weeks knowing Christmas break is around the  corner; so I have been a little extra tired trying to keep them under control each day, but K5 is K5!!!  I am looking forward to our Kindergarten Polar Express day Thursday.  #1 Perk I get to wear my P.J's to school, #2 Perk having fun watching the kiddos get so excited about hot chocolate...our make believe train....and of course watching the movie!  And then how can I not be excited about our half day friday and then heading back to Raleigh for Christmas!!! WOOOHOOOO Yay for week 16 :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: .4 lbs
Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity pants
Stretch marks? No
Sleep:  Some days good some days bad….I can’t seem to eat enough to make it through the night!
Best moment this week: Getting my crib!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything?  Being able to sleep so deeply I have no clue what is going on
Movement: Still difficult to distinguish if it is movement or gas bubbles
Food cravings:  New one…Pasta salad!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Seem to be doing pretty well these days
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender prediction:  Everyone is saying girl…I say who really knows???
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In- and praying it stays that way!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy..Happy…Happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out if Baby L is a boy or girl!  (Dec. 28th) YAY!
Sorry about the bad pic this week...I had a migraine this day and a redo was not an option!  So for week 15 I would say that everything is going well as far as I weight seems to have hit a slow down and I seem to burn every calorie I eat.  No matter how much I consume I stay hungry these days which is a good sign for baby!  I guess with the amount of food I have been eating I should be grateful that the pounds aren't stacking on quickly!  I seem to have hit a new hormone high this week also....I have been so tired again just like the beginning and my hair and face are greasy :/ and of course the headaches have started.  Even though these are not the most enjoyable things I am grateful to have bodily signs that baby is growing and I am still so very thankful that I did not have to suffer morning sickness! 
Exciting news of week 15 was getting our crib!  Some may say you got a crib this soon?!?!?  BUT #1 I am a first time super excited mommy and # 2 while brousing I found a deal we could not pass up!  So I got the style I wanted, the color I wanted and even matress included for way less than I had anticipated. That is all for this week! In just 18 days we will find out what we are having! :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

14 Weeks

How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: .4 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep:  Better
Best moment this week: Hearing my sweet baby’s heart beat of 166!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything?  Cold deli meat!  I love subway but wish I didn’t have to toast everything!
Movement: Felt an awkward “flutter” feeling…so maybe?!
Food cravings:  Anything sour…skittles….sour patch kids…lemonade!
Anything making you queasy or sick: well hot chocolate did!
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender prediction:  Everyone is saying girl…I say who really knows???
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In- and praying it stays that way!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy..Happy…Happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out if Baby L is a boy or girl!  (Dec. 28th) YAY!
Ahhh I cannot believe I have made it this far already....Hard to think in just 6 little weeks this pregnancy will be halfway over!  I am so excited about Christmas week getting here not only for our visit with family but because we get to find out if our little babe is a boy or girl.  Apparently only a handful of people are calling boy and the rest of the world thinks girl.  I am so interested to see who is right! 
Our appointment was good this past week and I was so glad to talk to the OB about all of my breathing problems.  So glad Brent got to go with me and help emphasize how truly out of control this congestion had gotten.  After talking for a few minutes she made me a little upset.  We decided I most likely have Pregnancy Rhinitis...swelling of the mucus membranes due to excess pregnancy hormones (good for baby tough on mama).  At first she said this will most likely last the whole pregnancy...what a downer...and then Brent stepped in and said we have to do something, she literally cannot breathe and sometimes even swallow...thank you so much hubby to the rescue!  The immediate answer was NOT what I wanted to hear....she said, unfortunately there are not many drugs proven safe to help this problem and that taking sudafed more than just every now and then could harm the baby's spinal cord.  UMMM NO THANK YOU!  But my wonderful husband and I had done some researching before going to my appointment.  We had found an article by a woman diagnosed with the same severe case of rhinitis.  She had been given rhinocourt aqua to help ease the symptoms.  Immediately Brent and I both told the doctor about this and she said...well I will go research and be right back.  (Thank you google for helping! )  After she came back she told us we were right and that it is safe during pregnancy, but still she tried to say there are some side affects.  I got a sad feeling once again waiting to hear the doom....then she says you may develop a cough or dry vocal chords.  UMMM OK! GIVE ME !  I can handle a dry cough and scratchy voice but I cannot handle suffocating!  I have now been on the spray for 4 days and as of today my nose has opened up! Thank the Lord! 
Now that I have written about the stinky part of our appointment I can say hearing Baby L's heartbeat was amazing and gave us such a peace!  At first the doctor moved around and we didn't hear a thing...we both got a little nervous but then she moved waaaay over to my right side and out of no where there was that sweet little heartbeat!  Our baby decided to do the wiggles and move around making her follow but I loved knowing that the baby was so active.  She told us the heartbeat was 166 which made us both so happy.  At our very first appointment we got to watch the heartbeat be  measured via ultrasound and it was at 148....I was not expecting her to say 166!  Now that I have gotten to hear the heartbeat I wish I could go in every week just to listen, but watching my belly get bigger is fun too!  So for this week lots of good news! :)